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Currently in the world there have been quite a lot of dramatic changes with the recent surge of civil and political unrest, climate change, and the recent earthquakes world-wide, including the March 11th, 2011 14:46:23 (+09:00) quake in Sendai, Japan and the tsunamis that followed, and currently the potential threat of Japan's nuclear reactors meltdown and fallout, I feel it is more than about time to "consider the implications and make decisions accordingly".
Below are informational links in relation to the Japanese earthquake disaster on which has also caused world-wide tsunamis and to date 2 Japanese nuclear reactors to explode.
West Coast USA Danger IF Japan Nuclear Reactor Meltdown http://modernsurvivalblog.com/nuclear/west-coast-usa-danger-if-japan-nuclear-reactor-meltdown/
Detailed Fallout Prediction--NBC 3 Report http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/policy/army/fm/3-3-1_2/Ch4.htm and NUCLEAR WAR SURVIVAL SKILLS http://www.oism.org/nwss/
When An ill Wind Blows From Afar!: Surviving Radioactive Fallout & Radiation Contamination from Japan, Iran or North Korea http://www.ki4u.com/ Resource Earthquakes account for half of the worlds top 10 most dangerous natural disasters. Prepare your self, your home, and your family with these earthquake safety tips. http://complianceandsafety.com/safety-tips/earthquake-safety-tips.php
Radiation Network A site depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every 3 minutes http://radiationnetwork.com/
Federal Emergency Management Agency: "Federal Policy on the Use of Potassium Iodide" https://www.fema.gov/txt/library/not02367.txt
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in Radiation Emergencies http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/4825fnl.htm
U.S. FDA: Home Preparation Procedure for Emergency Administration of Potassium Iodide Tablets to Infants and Small Children https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/EmergencyPreparedness/BioterrorismandDrugPreparedness/ucm072254.htm
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: "Frequently Asked Questions About Potassium Iodide" https://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/emerg-preparedness/about-emerg-preparedness/potassium-iodide/ki-faq.html
Health Physics Society: "HPS Fact Sheet – Potassium Iodide" https://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/faqs/ki.html
Expected Effects of Acute Whole-Body Radiation Doses
Earthquake Safety Tips: How to Survive an Earthquake http://geology.com/articles/earthquake-safety.shtml
Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit: https://www.ready.gov
Nuclear War Survival Kit (pdf) http://www.homelandcivildefense.org
RSOE EDIS - Emergency & Disaster Information Service http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php
IRIS Seismic Monitor http://www.iris.edu/seismon/
Recent Earthquakes in Central US http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu
FREE Downloadable Medical Books in PDF: http://www.hesperian.org/publications_download.php
Much thanks to author and security expert Marcus Wynne of www.MarcusWynne.com for providing the links.