How to: The Five C's of Survival - #1: Cover

Category: Fire / Difficulty Level: 1
Posted: 2018-11-22 12:43:04
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Although we are warm-blooded mammals, we still need to regulate our core temperature, that is why something to cover up or finding/making shelter is of paramount importance.

Here I talk about different items that can be used to cover up with. I also show a basic way to use a blanket to make a make-shift hoodie, inspired by youtuber Ms. Antonia Young

Clothing is our first line of defense against the elements. That is why COVER is first in the Five C's of Survival

Made famous by Dave Canterbury of Dual Survival TV show fame, the basic Five C's of Survival are:
1). Cover (shelter)
2). Combustion (fire)
3). Carry (water - ability to hold/transport)
4). Cutting
5). Cordage ...and additionally...
6). Calories (food)
7). Cure (first-aid/medications)
8). Communication (radios, mirrors, rescue & hobo signs, Morse code...)

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