ln this tutorialI walk through how to make a home-made sling shot out of rubber/latex tubing and a "Y" shaped piece of buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica or Frangula alnus).
Although not very primitive due to the use of rubber/latext, it is a simple hunting tool that is of great value in procuring small game in a grid-down situation. In the absence of rubber tubbing or bands, elastic from clothing from ankle cuffs, waist-bands, even bras can be used. Also, thick rubber bands tied together or inner tubing from bike tires can work as well. It is best to make more than one projectile band and pouch in the case of loss or breakage.
1/4" - 3/8" steel or glass shot seems to pack the most punch for effective use.
CAUTION: If you choose to make and use this weapon, be sure that you are following safety precautions like protective eyewear, and awareness of there your projectiles are going - being sure you are not aiming at anything or anyone you are not trying to hurt, kill, or destroy!