How to: Thigh-Roll [Nettle] Fibers for Cordage

Category: Shelter / Difficulty Level: 1
Posted: 2017-08-12 18:07:34
6915 view(s)


Thigh rolling is a faster method of twisting cordage from natural fibers than reverse-twisting by hand. Here, I will demo twisting Stinging-Nettle fibers using this method. Please excuse my unshaven legs ;)P

This method is not recommended with nettles for bare-legged by those who are highly allergic to stinging nettles; wearing denim works pretty well too. Wetting the fibers helps this technique saliva can be used in a pinch, but be mindful if you are using milkweed or dogbane as that the sap in these cordage producing plants is known to be toxic. For more info please visit

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